Our Charity Work

Bonobos and Chimpanzees — Ape Initiative

At Bananaz, we're more than just a clothing brand – we're a company dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. With every purchase, we donate a portion of our proceeds to support organizations working to protect and improve the lives of monkeys around the globe.

Why Monkeys?

Monkeys are incredible creatures that play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Unfortunately, many species face threats like habitat loss, poaching, and the illegal pet trade. By supporting charities focused on monkey conservation and welfare, we aim to ensure these amazing animals can thrive for generations to come.

Reports on Rescue Orphaned Primates - GlobalGiving

Our Charity Partners

We've carefully selected nine top-rated charities to receive our donations, all recommended by the experts at Impactful Ninja for their outstanding work in protecting monkeys. These include:

Logo for Pan African Sanctuary Alliance

1. Pan African Sanctuary Alliance

The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance unites 23 primate sanctuaries and wildlife centers with a global network of like-minded organizations and specialists to protect Africa’s primates. Their support includes emergency funding during crises and a wide range of conservation leadership and primate care programs to train the next generation of conservation experts. The charity also employs local anti-poaching patrols to combat the illegal bushmeat trade.

Logo for Neotropical Primate Conservation

2. Neotropical Primate Conservation: Primates Protecting Primates

Neotropical Primate Conservation promotes the conservation of neotropical forest habitats in Central and South America by creating community-run reserves and safe wildlife corridors to protect the 178 native monkey species. In Argentina, the charity is also supporting the reintroduction of black and gold howler monkeys rescued from the illegal wildlife trade, as well as running reforestation projects in the Peruvian Andes. 

Logo for Born Free Foundation
3. Born Free Foundation: Keeping Wildlife in the Wild

The Born Free Foundation is dedicated to ending captive animal trades around the world. The charity has also set up one of America’s largest primate sanctuaries in South Texas, which provides refuge and care for monkeys rescued from the pet trade, research experimentation, and the entertainment industry. Through their Zambia Primate Project, Born Free rescues, rehabilitates, and releases orphaned or injured vervet monkeys in Zambia. 

Logo for Vervet Monkey Foundation
4. Vervet Monkey Foundation: Changing the Fate of Vervet Monkeys in South Africa

The Vervet Monkey Foundation cares for and rehabilitates vulnerable vervet monkeys at their rehabilitation center in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. In addition, the charity teaches children and young adults about the importance of conserving primates, particularly vervet monkeys, through their multi-tiered education and outreach programs. Through their Vervet Forest Campaign, the charity is aiming to purchase 300-500 hectares of land in South Africa to release their troop of rehabilitated vervet monkeys. 

Logo for Pandrillus Foundation
Pandrillus Foundation: Saving the Vulnerable Drill Monkey

The Pandrillus Foundation works to protect the last remaining drill monkey populations in Nigeria and Cameroon through habitat preservation, research, advocacy, and captive breeding programs. In collaboration with the Government of Cameroon, the charity also set up the Limbe Wildlife Center which cares for many threatened primate species as well as other endangered wildlife rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. 

Logo for Douc Langur Foundation
6. Douc Langur Foundation: Protecting the Endangered Douc Langur Monkey

The Douc Langur Foundation works with communities to protect local Douc Langur populations by removing snares and traps from forest habitats and rescuing individuals from illegal markets. The charity also invests in research projects to better understand the biology, diet, and behavior of the highly endangered douc langur monkey in Vietnam and Cambodia.


Logo for Primarily Primates

7. Primarily Primates: A Better Future For Abused Monkeys

Primarily Primates care for and house homeless, abandoned, and abused chimps, monkeys, and lemurs at their sanctuary in San Antonio, Texas. Their staff support all aspects of care from providing primate residents with medical assistance and social-behavior management to offering daily enrichment activities. The primates are often rescued from harmful environments such as the exotic pet trade and research laboratories.

Logo for Colobus Conservation

8. Colobus Conservation: Conserving the Threatened Primates of Kenya

Colobus Conservation supports and promotes forest conservation in Kenya (particularly Diani) to protect the remaining populations of the endangered Angolan black and white colobus monkey through reforestation projects and anti-poaching efforts. Through their education workshops and community support programs, the charity also promotes awareness of primate conservation in local schools and communities. 

Logo for Primate Rescue Center

9. Primate Rescue Center: Providing Sanctuary For Abused Primates

The Primate Rescue Center in Kentucky is working to end the primate trade by providing sanctuary to rescued primates. They also assist researchers and zoo personnel in finding suitable accommodation for surplus primates. In addition, the charity educates the public on the plight of primates trapped in the wildlife trade in America and abroad through their internship program and learning workshops.


With every Bananaz purchase, you're not only getting high-quality, stylish apparel – you're also joining us in supporting these crucial efforts to safeguard monkey populations worldwide.

Our Commitment

At Bananaz, we're passionate about using our business as a force for good. We believe companies have a responsibility to give back, and we're proud to do our part through these charitable donations. As we continue to grow, we'll keep expanding our support to even more organizations protecting primates and their habitats.

So shop Bananaz with confidence, knowing your purchase is an investment in a better future for monkeys everywhere. Together, we can make a real difference for these remarkable animals and the ecosystems they call home.

If you have any questions or would like further information about our charity partnerships, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at charity@bananaz.store.

Let's continue to spread awareness and positively impact the world, one step at a time.

The Bananaz Team